Visitors from Korea are impressed by the concept of the BioMed Hospital

For more then 25 years, the BioMed Hospital in Bad Bergzabern successfully treated patients from in- and outside the country, with methods of integrative cancer therapy.

These successes impress doctors, pharmacists and therapists worldwide.
On may 25th doctors and pharmacists from Korea visited the BioMed and and attended the impressive presentation by chief physician Dr. Friedrich Migeod.
Dr. Migeod explained by describing various studies and case reports, the therapeutic success of the clinic for the treatment of various tumor diseases.

After the presentation Dr. MIgeod gave a tour through the hospital to give an insight into the treatment rooms of hyperthermia, fever therapy and the room of the intraperitoneal Perfusion therapy, that is mainly applied against tumors in the abdominal cavity.

Fascinated by the methodology of the BioMed Hospital, the Korean therapists and doctors confirm, that just alone the conventional medical approached such as chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are not enough to fight against cancer.

The complementary medical treatment, as introduced by the medical director of BioMed Hospital Dr. Dr. E. Dieter Hager in Bad Bergzabern 25 years ago. plays a significant part in cancer therapy.